The eye bag removal surgery is similar to other cosmetic interventions in this area: the surgeon expertly removes the excess fat, sagging skin and idle muscles in the affected area. This procedure results in much tighter skin and alleviates the tired, sad appearance on the face.
The procedure
Eye bag removal surgery consists of separate treatments of both the upper and lower eyelids. This may sound like a complex procedure, but in reality it is very simple. The upper eyelid correction starts with an incision approximately 1 cm above the eyelashes. The length of the incision varies with each patient always according to the expertise of the cosmetic surgeon. Through the incision, the surgeon removes excess fatty tissue, skin, and loose muscles to tighten the area affected by the under eye bag. Afterwards the incision is closed either by surgical glue or with very fine stitches.
While upper eyelid surgery is typically performed under local anaesthesia, the correction of the lower eyelids may require general anaesthesia. This decision is determined by the doctor, based on their expert proficiency and experience. For the lower eyelid procedure, an incision is made starting from the outer end of the eyelashes. The skin under the eye is then slowly worked upwards using careful tension to expose excess skin. After the extra skin, fat and loose muscles are removed, the incision is closed.
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The healing period
Eye bag removal surgery is usually followed by a moderately long healing period. Though the stitches will be removed in about 3 days, it is advisable to rest for a week after the procedure. After these 7 days, you will probably be able to go back to work, though you should not take part in any strenuous activities. If you carefully follow the doctor’s post surgical instructions, the wounds from the surgery will heal as quickly as possible. The incisions will most likely leave behind very faint scars but these lines are typically concealed by the natural creases in the eyelids.
If you have any further questions regarding the procedure or if you are ready to undergo eye bag removal surgery, please contact us to learn about the next steps. Following a thorough initial consultation with your surgeon, you will receive a detailed plan for your treatment and the doctor will thoughtfully answer all of your questions. Our surgeon is sure that you will be completely satisfied with this procedure and the incredible results you will see on your face.