The Asian eyelid surgery does not change Asian-type eyes into the Caucasian type, and it was never meant to do that. It only relieves the eyelid of an appearance of tension, and allows the eye to be more visible behind the eyelid, giving the face a more natural, attractive look.
There are basically two ways our doctors perform Asian double eyelid surgeries, and each one has its own upsides and downsides. One technique operates with sutures (stitches), and the other technique involves an incision.
This method of Asian eyelid surgery does not require an incision to be made; it operates merely with stitches (sutures). This not only means that patients who are normally uncomforted by the thought of an incision can easily undertake this surgery, but it also means that most of the risks involved are considerably lower. There is a chance that the fold will disappear with time, but in this case, the result is easily repairable. Moreover, the use of the latest technology in suture-type double eyelid surgery, called Double Sutures and Twisting (DST) method, means that the possibility of fold failure is significantly reduced compared to the traditional suture method. The usage of sutures also means a much shorter healing period.
The DST suture-method is advisable for patients who do not have excessive skin in the eye and forehead area, whose upper eyelids do not contain much fat tissue, patients without complex eye problems (e.g. ptosis or retraction), smokers, men (who are typically unable to conceal the incision with make-up), and patients in need of a shorter healing period.
The incision technique, as its name suggests, uses an incision to create a fold in the upper eyelid. The main benefit of this type of asian eyelid surgery is that it creates a more prominent and more persistent fold. However, the incision technique comes with the risk of poor scarring, and in a few cases, damage to the levator mechanisms of the eyelid, which could result in certain aberrations: retraction (the upper lid pulled overly upward), or ptosis (sleepy eye). What is more, many patients can be unnerved and may become uncomfortable by the thought of an incision, especially if it is made in the facial area. With these patients, the incision technique is not advised, and the suture technique is utilized instead, unless the surgeon does not strongly recommend otherwise.
Asian eyelid surgery with the incision technique is advisable for patients who have excess skin or fat in the eye and forehead area, patients who need a more prominent fold in their eyelid than the average, and patients who are older than their late 20’s. However, the incision technique is usually not advised for smokers, patients at risk of excessive scarring, patients with a history of multiple eyelid surgeries, and patients with saggy eyebrows or too many forehead wrinkles, the correction of which would involve too much skin removed from the upper lid.
Asian eyelid surgery is a very popular choice among our Asian patients, and everyone who decides to choose this type of operation leaves our clinic with full satisfaction. If you feel that you could benefit from such an intervention, please feel free to contact us, and ask for more information. We can arrange a consultation, and this way, our surgeon will happily advise you about the safest way to reach your goals.